Monday, June 8, 2009

Air's Talkie Walkie

Talkie Walkie is Air's second to newest album, and is classified as ambient electronica. I am by no means an electronica fan but nobody can deny Air. They are in my top favorite bands of all time, one of those that have stuck around on my playlists for the past 5 or so years.

How is Air different from other bands you listen to? Well, the most obvious difference is that the genius of the songs is displayed through a unique composition and song structure as opposed to a formulaic verse chorus structure that other artists often take advantage of. This band makes up their own patterns and follows the rules of pop music only when they want to. Some of my favorite air songs don't have any vocals. In fact when the band does use vocals, it is more as an instrument in the layering, and less as a spotlighted melody. That is why each song can be taken as an audio adventure that most times proves to be unpredicatable and shocking.

Is Air's music stoner music? It is certainly stereotyped as so. However no matter what state of mind you are in, this band will change your mood to fit there's. Check out the track 'Run' and you will get a taste of how Air dictates the listener's feelings, falling back in forth from eerie minors to heavenly majors. Download one of my all-time favorite albums right here:

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